I am putting a couple of pictures here of Sarah G as she stands. That said, she is out the water now and has the mast down as well but I haven't visited since that. Anwyay, boats look better in the water with their masts up.
We also managed to find a bagain EPIRB. This has always been a piece of technology that I have liked the sound of and the opportunity to get a half price one with built in GPS simply could not be turned up.
I have been mentally compiling a list of things to do to get ready, both for the next season and the race in 2011.
Here is a taster of it!
1. Adjust/replace guard wires
2. Repair damaged hole in aft end of mast step
3. Fit and repair catches to cockpit lockers
4. Install EPIRB
5. Aquire and install AIS transponder. GRRR!!
6. Repair scratches and chips in gelcoat
7. Finish winterising engine:
i. change pencil anode
ii. replace primary and secondary fuel filter
iii. check exhaust coupling
iv. probably other stuff as well
8. Check all running rigging on mast while it is down.
9. Clean teak in cockpit.
10. Varnish teak toerail.
11. strip antifoul and apply coppercoat.
12. Valet sails
13. Change zinc anode
14. Ensure that propeller is adequately protected.
15. Replace broken breaker switches on panel.
16. Get her back in the water and get sailing!!
Of course, as is the way with boats, the list will keep growing. In fact:
17. get new longer oars for dinghy.
18. Check for damage to dinghy and repair.
19. Service and fit Aires windvane.
And so it goes on.
Time to knock off now and think about Christmas
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