The season has not included much sailing to date. We had a very nice easter weekend in Falmouth and by design left her for the three days between Easter Monday and a blonde lad tying the know with a pretty brunette for millions to watch. Then the Easterlies kicked in and we spend an unwelcome week berted on a one of Falmouth Harbour Commissions green mooring bouys as well as chafing through our lovely new mooring warp.
While there the Matthew was doing a lot of tooing and froing.
My Mother turned 70 that on the Sunday so she came down and stayed in a hotel while Matthew joined us aboard Sarah G for a very nice family weekend and a good meal in a fish restaurant.
We did finally get her back to Torpoint in a strong south westerly which managed to gust to a good force 7 off Fowey but we enjoyed it the wind being on the beam rather than ahead. It is always nice to have a good touch sea boat though we felt a bit silly hand steering while the Aries wasn't ready for use on the stern.
The next weekend we were down we concentrated on getting Mars as we have christened the Aries working. After lots of three in one oil and then some fancy silicone stuff from the chandler it seems to be doing it's thing.
We are happy that the crew situation for the cruise is now resolved and I am looking foward to getting from Faro to La Linea with Andy and Katrine. They had a very good weekend visit to Salcombe though we were plagued by light winds.
Now, we are concentrating on getting the administration done and the still myriad list of things to fix. Most frustratingly, the windlass packed up. I should have been able to fix it but the bolts and screws holding it shut were all seized solid. Ebay came to the rescue and we now have a shiny second hand Lofrans Royal bolted to the foredeck.
At home, I have 10 meters of canvas and am trying to work out how to turn it into an awning.
At work, I am manically trying to get everything ready for me to go while booking flights for Audrey and myself. She is going to La Coruna with Iberia and coming back from Faro with Monarch while I am going with stodgy (?!) British Airways from Gibraltar.
In other areas: Our insurers failed to play ball so I have got a quote from Pantaenius which is the same price as the previous one but with none of the onerous restrictions. I am also booked to do an ICC this weekend while Audrey is to send off for one based on her Day Skipper qualification.
Oh and we are spending a fortune on lots of charts!
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