Monday 14 November 2011

The Planning Process

Well, we have been having various desultory conversations (and some not so desultory). We have been thinking about options for next year. One must remember after all that it is the Olympics here in London and it will be a vey good place not to be - London in 2012

As I probably said before, we are cooling on the idea of heading right into the Med but rather are thinking about staying in the western end and working up the coast of Spain, probably with a visit to the Balearic Islands as well before going up to France and through the Canal du Midi and wintering in somewhere like La Rochelle.

This should be doable in six months to allow us to be tucked up before the autumn gales kick in. We would then also be well positioned to spend much longer on the Atlantic coast of Iberia in 2013.

We do of course have other plans and the least desirable would be not to leave work but to use holidays and weekends to work her up the Coast of Spain and winter on the Mediteranean coast of France perhaps near Montpellier. Still, the worst case would be to have to bring her back the way we came all in a hurry.

We might still head east properly but that is looking less likely. It could all be subject to change though as we are going to the Med Section meeting at CA House this Thursday which might well change our minds again. Time will tell really - as ever.

Of course we haven't had many photos so here are a couple.

First off - back to Easter in the Fal

Now the view from the hill at Muxia

Cabo Sao Vincente

And finally, a sunset while at anchor in La Ria Formosa

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