Thursday 17 January 2013

Getting ever closer

Lots of administrative things happening and also getting a bit panicked about the house now.

We had an estate agent round where we agreed what work needed to be done so a new kitchen has been ordered from Wickes. We also have to do some tiling in the bathroom and a bit of decorating. Thankfully we don't have to paint the whole house in magnolia though. Those of you who have visited here will know that we are not magnolia types.

End of work has been agreed and we will both be finishing on 28 February. Flights to Jamaica have been booked in March so we will be down in the tropics for two weeks.

Now, we have to stop all the household bills, cancel various direct debits, unsubscribe from lots of magazines, get a lot of stuff shipped to Spain, get the car sorted so my Mother can have it, get the cat to my Mother, buy a bunch more charts, book a flight to Spain, pack our clothes and go!

I think the first few weeks will be spent sleeping!

We are off to the London Boat Show and then the Rival Owners Association AGM tomorrow. We don't have high hopes of the boat show but hopefully we can look at some charts on the Kelvin Hughes stand.

Happy Sailing to those in warm waters already. It is forecast to snow over the next few days here in London!

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