Thursday 21 March 2013

Back in Blighty For Now

Well. We have been 24 hours back in the UK after a very relaxing and nice visit to Jamaica. Now the work starts in earnest for our departure. After all the other climactic changes and departures, this one doesn't feel so special though. Rather it feels like the next stage is commencing. My phone countdown tells me we have 24 days till Sunday 14 April when we fly down to Gibraltar for the last time.

Red letter day event was the purchase of a new laptop for the boat. We would have liked to stick with the trusty Acer netbook that we have had for the last five years but it is really very slow now and is getting to that stage where it can't keep a charge in it's battery. So we are now in posession of a shiny new entry level Lenovo laptop. For the geeks amongst our readers, it is only an entry level one but as a boat is a harsh environment, there was no point in getting a super duper special one. Also, it runs Windows 7 rather than the dreadful 8. I did think of putting Ubuntu on it but having everything running out the box was too much of an attraction now I am not an IT professional. Many will have a chortle about that given my liking for Open source. Needles to say, this is being written on LibreOffice and Firefox is our browser of choice.

Enough geeky stuff though!

Rather, we need to get back to lists. Here is where the lists are at the moment.

From 21/03/2013 – Things to do and plan

Tile kitchen
shelves in kitchen
decorate new kitchen
finish storage in loft
contact Townends
visit doctor for jabs
inform lambeth of council tax change
cancel gas
cancel electricity
cancel phone
cancel broadband
get RK o2 phone to payg
car to service and MOT
clear garden
rubbish to tip
touch up paint in study
touch up paint in bedroom
finish paint in dining room
change address for banks
curtains for dining room
shorten all new curtains
Danny to finish plaster work in new kitchen
decorate new kitchen
buy back door
Danny to fit back door
carpet edging
finish off lino in kitchen

Boat (In UK)
work out what phone to use for gymsim
Iridium airtime
make clothes organising bags
buy new clothes

Boat (In Spain)
Standing rigging
Will Honda outboard work?
New outboard if above is no
anchor chain
new batteries
service engine

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