Monday 22 July 2013

Leaving Spain (At Last) (And A Second Try)

Well, we really are on the cusp of taking our departure from Europe at last. There was a previous case of this of course when we were set to leave for the Azores form western Portugal back at the end of May. Now we are more prepared and have a much shorter trip though one that will take us to a different world culturally speaking.

For the last few days we have been poring over the weather forecasts and a Saturday departure seems to be indicated now. We will therefore spend another night here at Puerto America in Cadiz and head south to Rabat in Morocco on Saturday. We have been going through the usual preparations that all long distance cruisers undertake when they are leaving an advanced western country for a much poorer one. We went to the Carrefour supermarket here in Cadiz this morning and spent a lot of money on all the staples that are either difficult to find or expensive outside to Europe. We chose stuff that would both, serve us well while in harbour but also stuff that will be best used when on passage. This second aspect though wasn't so important as we will be visiting both Madeira and the Canary Islands before heading off on the longer passages to Cabo Verde and across the Atlantic.

It is both exciting and a bit daunting. However, we definitely feel ready for this stage and are raring to leave southern Spain, nice though it is.

We have even tried one departure but ran into some engine problems. This has meant spending a couple of nights at anchor. Thankfully, it seems to be resolved now. There was a problem with water circulation but after finding a split in the host leading from the water pump to the engine block I have bodged it up with PTFE tape and that seems to be holding OK for now will we can get a new hose fitted - perhaps in Morocco.

While being anchored here we have got to know Eva Kullgren who has been sailing her 28 foot boat all the way from Sweden to here over the last four years. Rather than take the usual North Sea route, she went all the way through the canals of Germany and central Europe and then down the Danube to the Black Sea. She has then traveled the entire length of the Mediterranean and is now planning to how to get to the Canaries.

Her website is here and makes fascinating reading.

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