Sunday 18 August 2013

More photos of Morocco

Owing to the difficult broadband, I didn't get as much in the way of photos on here. So, these are a selection of what we saw.

In the twelth century, I think, the Almohad dynasty created a vast wall around Rabat - this is the landward side of it as we walked towards Chellah to visit Sala Colonia.

In Chellah now and we think this is in a bakery and the funny round stone is a grind stone for the grain. When are the BBC documentary makers when you need them!?

The next two pictrures are of what we think was the forum - Frankie Howerd where are you?

We now move into the thirteenth century Merenid/Marinid mosque site.

Some strange bloke wearing blue and a hat. Think of us in long trousers as the mercury (not allowed in thermometers now) was pushing well over 30.

Finally, at the bottom they used the spring which was what decided the Phonecians to set up their trading port there in the first place to water a lovely garden.

You can see my Mother walking along it here.

An example of the flowers growing there.

Mother and I had a very hot walk around the Kasbah and river entrance just after Ramadan had finished (I think it was the day after Eid).

And that completes our visit to a fascinating country. We would like to go back again but at a different time of year and perhaps organise it a bit more before hand. August is very hot in the interior and Ramadan makes it difficult to get food and refreshment on day trips.

We did take the train to Mohammedia a few miles down the coast but the photos were not very inspiring so I won't inflict them on anyone here.

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