Friday 29 November 2013

Car Hire - Visiting the Island

We had long intended to hire a car here on La Palma and yesterday I went down to the airport to pick it up. The island is certainly spectacular and we still have another day with the car so I will add some photos if they turn up. Yesterday was successful apart from the fact that I was not doing very well behind the camera. Today we went to see a volcano, El Volcan de San Antonio but the current southerly winds mean that the southern tip of the island is fog enshrouded so no pictures were possible. At least the visitor center was cheap at €5 each.

A typical view of the edge of El Caldera de Taburiente. This is a relatively old huge geological feature with lots of vertiginous walking around it which we wimped out of.

Clouds are a big part of the views of this island. This is looking across south from a mirador called El Time above Tazacorte.

The road up from the bottom of the Taburiente to Mirador El Time was a dramatic set of switchbacks. I enjoyed driving it but some of the corners are a bit "interesting"

Finally, for now, the afternoon light on the west coast was quite dramatic though my best effort at capturing it was not very successful. This island is much greener than the other Canary islands as well.

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