Friday 13 March 2015

We've moved

Not house that is (or boat).

However, I have now put up a shiny new website and all future ramblings will be done there.

Click Here to see it.

I am undecided about migrating the old content across. Most likely I won't unless Google threaten to delete it. Storage has to be paid for on the new setup in the Amazon cloud which mitigates migrating it.

Do please visit rogers rants and any feedback will be very gratefully received.

As I say on the other site, it is very much a work in progress and one of the useful things I have high on the list to implement is automatic email updates by subscription.

As ever, comments and suggestions will be received with prolonged sulks and audible muttering about suppressed genius.

There is a contact form on the site of course but I can also be reached at

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