Friday 26 November 2010

Bits and Pieces Done Today

Well, I have got most of the chock like things for the new anchor on the foredeck now though it has taken an inordinate number of M6 bolts to get there.

I have also got the tubes on the Aries drilled and in their holes. Investigation of the issues with fitting the thing fully have revealed a fair bit, not least that I am going to need a proper power drill to achieve it. Also, it will not be possible to drill through the cockpit coaming so that will have to be done with stud bolts. On the positive side, there are already holes drilled in the aft rail. All, we have to hope is the original holes are in the right place.

On a completely other topic. I tried to copy the photos off the camera but found that the ubuntu I have installed on this netbook cannot recognise SD cards when they are put in the slot. Those others of you who have had to fight with linux device drivers will know what I am talking about.

Still, the weather is changing with the wind now in the south west and a spot or two of rain. Audrey arrives later and I will be able to get into the B&B shortly as well.

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