Wednesday 3 March 2010

Getting there slowly

It has been a bit of a slow start to the year though this is most probably always the case. The trouble is that with Easter being so early this year there is a lot of pressure to get things done quickly in March. The real thing of course, is the Coppercoat which needs minimum temperature to apply it. So, no frostbite painting here. This coming weekend is not looking good for that but maybe the next weekends will be good enough.

We still have to finish off sanding and varnishing the toe rail. Other stuff we can be getting on with though are the things still to do to the engine such as changing the fan belt and fuel filters to say nothing of putting the pencil anode back in.

At least we are going to pick up the Coppercoat from Paul at Symblast on Saturday so we can at least feel that we are getting closer to being ready for a launch. The big bit with the Coppercoat is how we are going to apply it to the bits under the props on the cradle. I put a posting on the PBO forum on this and got two bits of advice. One is to ask the yard to move the boat in the cradle by a foot or so once the majority is done. The other option which has a lot of superficial attraction is to use the legs to prop the boat up and drop the props. I doubt if the boat yard would go for this but we will have to see. I will probably also ask around a bit as well.

Happy, if cold times at present!

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