Thursday 11 March 2010

Weather still rubbish

Progress has been painfully slow recently. I was down there last weekend when we picked up our Coppercoat as well but it was far too cold to think about applying it. The sequence of events has now become so tight that it is unlikely we will be ready to deliver to Plymouth over Easter. More likely is that we will manage to get in the water for Easter - assuming that the temperature does find it's way above 10 degrees between now and then.

It might be best to spend the Easter weekend getting back in to the swing of sailing in the Solent and then make the leap for the west country later in April.

And so it carries on. The latest on the AZAB front is that I have found that we need to carry a trysail as part of the ISAF OSR 2010-2011. For the non initiated of you, that is International Sailing Federation Offshore Special Regulations! Other AZABbers have been going through them and working out what expensive toys they need to aquire. I shall have to see where I can beg, borrow or steal such a sail. We have no experience of using one and I would much prefer to simply put a fourth reef point in the main rather then spend ages on a heaving deck in a force 10 trying to feed the slides of the trysail into the luff groove of the mast. Grrr!

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